Uzabase is home to a wide range of occupations, nationalities, and genders. It is this diversity that allows us to take on new challenges and engage in innovation that would be impossible to do alone.(The numerical information provided is data as of December 31, 2023.)
Employee Distribution by Gender

Ratio of Women in Leadership

Employee Distribution by Profession

Gender Distribution by Profession

Career Level Distribution by Age Group

New Hires: Fresh Graduates vs Mid-Career Hires

Distinctive personnel system that realizes "We need what you bring"
In order to realize our purpose, a "diverse team" of various personalities and talents is necessary, and in order for this diverse team to coexist while respecting each other, a "diverse way of working" is required.
Uzabase makes this way of working possible by upholding and sharing the value of "Be free & own it".
By respecting the freedom of each member's lifestyle, including that of their family and partner, and by having each member work happily, they can focus on their work, fulfill their responsibilities, and maximize their performance.
Freedom of Work Place and Time
Members have autonomy in determining their work time and place in order to maximize team performance.Secure excellent human resources with various employment statuses and commitment levels (internal and external sideline system)
High ratio of working parents. 100% return from maternity leave for both men and women.
Specific internal initiatives
At Uzabase, we have been working to ensure the inclusion and psychological safety of all our employees.
Working style and benefits
Super flex system
Maternity leave
Shortened working hours
Cross-cultural training
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Sick child care subsidy and nursing care allowance systems
Same-sex partnership system and recognition of same-sex and de facto marriages
Internal community activities such as Career Juggling (working parents) and Rainbow (LGBTQI+)
Fertility treatment consultation services and seminars
Maternity leave mentoring
Recruitment and career
Leader training (new leader training, female leader development and coaching training)
Mentoring system
Incentives for qualification acquisition
Internal and external side job system
Diversability enhancement and onboarding
Internal and external side job system
Harassment training
Unconscious Bias Training
Simultaneous interpretation for company-wide meetings
While these efforts have helped to motivate and develop the talents of the diverse group of people in Uzabase, there are a number of issues that still need to be addressed.
A noticeable information imbalance in terms of language
A disparity in terms of gender ratio among regular employees and leaders
Room for improvement when it comes to job opportunities for people with disabilities.
In our quest to tackle these challenges, we commit to incorporating the DEIB initiatives described below into our future business policy.
Ensure information transparency
We aim for fairness of opportunity, evaluation, and promotion within the company, and will ensure transparency of information.
Based on our value of “Be free & own it”, which guarantees to each one of us the freedom to think beyond the norm and to perform to the best of our abilities, we have been very open in sharing information, with consideration for privacy and confidentiality. We have also disclosed all information on remuneration and evaluation criteria within the Uzabase Group, including executive compensation and salary tables, to ensure that all of our team members are able to create reasonable and logical expectations for the future. By being thoroughly open about sharing this information, we ensure fairness in terms of assessment and promotion across the company.
Furthermore, as the nationalities of and languages spoken by our team members continue to diversify, we will actively work to resolve any language-related imbalances in terms of information shared by enhancing our interpretation and translation systems.
Help people to overcome hurdles arising from structural issues in society
While constantly discussing the difference between Equality and Equity, we will provide support for members with diverse personalities and characteristics to work in an Equitable manner. If we believe that a particular member has a hurdle arising from an issue in the social structure, we will work together to overcome that hurdle.
Specifically, we will consider updating our systems on an ongoing basis, including a work environment where diverse members can work comfortably, evaluation and feedback systems that allow them to demonstrate their strengths, and subsidy systems. In addition to the existing childcare fee subsidy system, we are planning to introduce a sick child care subsidy system, a nursing care allowance system, and paternity leave.
Reduce the gender disparity among regular employees and leaders
In order to reduce the current gender disparity amongst employees and leaders, we will take the following actions:
- Leadership training and personality/attribute-based mentoring support for female leaders and leader candidates
- Re-onboarding support following maternity/paternity leave
- Creation of series of articles on “role models” within the company
- Activities for internal communities, such as Career Juggling (for working parents) and Rainbow (LGBTQI+).
Set up a DEIB Committee and disclose DEIB-related metrics and policies on an ongoing basis
We will set up a DEIB Committee, which will also include external directors. The Committee’s goals will be to plan, develop, and implement measures (internally), as well as to monitor and evaluate the results of these measures (with the help of external advisors if necessary). Going forward, we will also regularly disclose general information on diversity, such as gender, nationality, and occupation ratios, as well as various other details regarding our diversity initiatives.