In its Board of Directors meeting held today, Uzabase, Inc. has resolved to appoint new directors as well as to abolish its Group Executive Officer system, transitioning to a new structure wherein Group-wide execution will be carried out by a management team comprising executive officers in charge of seven highly specialized domains across the Group and executive officers for individual business units.
Following the completion of the tender offer by THE SHAPER Co., owned by the Carlyle Group, Uzabase will transition to a new board structure which will include members of the Carlyle Group.
Meanwhile, Uzabase has defined seven corporate function domains to be strengthened across the Group and newly appointed executive officers in charge of each domain. Together with executive officers for business companies, they will form a new management team structure, integrating Group-wide expertise with potential for value creation inherent in individual business units. This will allow Uzabase to accelerate business transformation with the aim of re-listing on the stock exchange and realizing its purpose: “Awaken a world of play in business, with our insights.”
1. Appointment of Directors
With the Carlyle Group members newly joining our Board of Directors, we hope to leverage their expertise and knowledge of global business expansion, while Shinobu Matsui, formerly Uzabase’s Director and Chief People Officer / Chief Administrative Officer, will step down from the Board to concentrate on her executive duties in the Human Resources and Legal domains. As a result, we will transition to a simpler board structure with only the Co-CEOs serving as both directors and executives, and further strengthen our executive function.
Board Members
(1) Reappointed/ Newly Appointed Directors

Profiles of Newly Appointed Directors
Jumpei Ogura
Jumpei Ogura is a Managing Director of The Carlyle Group focusing on Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (TMT) sectors. He is based in Tokyo.
Prior to joining Carlyle in 2006, Mr. Ogura was an Associate Director at the UBS Investment Bank Tokyo, Financial Institutions Group. During his tenure, he spent two years in the New York office focusing on bank and asset manager transactions.
Mr. Ogura currently serves on the Board of Directors of AOI TYO Holdings Inc. He previously served as a board member for ARUHI Corporation, Simplex Inc., Walbro Co., Ltd., and Money Square Holdings, Inc., and a corporate auditor for Chimney Co., Ltd. and Tsubaki Nakashima Co., Ltd.
Wanlin Liu
Wanlin Liu is a Managing Director of The Carlyle Group focusing on buyout and growth investment opportunities in China. She is based in Hong Kong.
Prior to joining Carlyle, Ms. Liu was a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs Principal Investment Area. Ms. Liu has been investing in China and other Asian markets for 19 years, with extensive experience across a wide range of industries, including healthcare, education, logistics, and financial services. Prior to that, Ms. Liu worked in the investment banking division at Credit Suisse.
Naoki Hozoji
Naoki Hozoji joined The Carlyle Group in 2022. He is based in Tokyo.
Prior to joining Carlyle, he worked at Integral Corporation, where he was involved in investment advisory in the consumer industry and other areas, as well as in the value-creation activities of portfolio companies. Prior to that, he worked in consulting for various industries at Corporate Direction Inc. and Boston Consulting Group.
(2) Retiring Directors

Yusuke Umeda, one of Uzabase’s founders, will continue to be involved with the company as its Business Advisor.
2. New Executive Management Structure
The corporate functions (domains) to be strengthened across the Group and the executive officers in charge are as follows.

Uzabase, Inc. (Corporate PR)