
Uzabase Issues Sustainability Report 2023


Uzabase Issues Sustainability Report 2023

Uzabase, Inc. has issued its Sustainability Report 2023, presenting the progress on the company’s sustainability efforts aimed at realizing its purpose: “Awaken a world of play in business, with our insights”.

Uzabase’s Approach to Sustainability

We believe that a sustainable world is one where people feel joy when doing business. Uzabase aims to contribute to such a sustainable world through (1) its SaaS solutions, which serve as solid infrastructure for popularizing a customer-oriented, highly adaptable  approach to business management (Agile Business Management), and (2) its social business media, which bring together perspectives to forge new horizons.

In an effort to reconcile economic and social interests and to prove that the two are not mutually exclusive, in 2021, we formulated our high-priority topics that we need to address—our 7 Material Issues. In 2022, we set up an ESG Committee chaired by our Co-CEO Taira Sakuma and issued the Integrated Report, which, alongside financial information and overview of our business and strategies, also provided non-financial information centered around our initiatives on the material issues. 

In December 2022, Uzabase was acquired through a TOB by The Carlyle Group, followed by its delisting from the Tokyo Stock Exchange in February 2023. However, we decided to continue with disclosure on our sustainability-related efforts and other non-financial information, positioning this year’s publication as a Sustainability Report.

Concepts Behind the Report  
In this significant year, which marks the 15th anniversary of the founding of Uzabase, as well as our delisting, we decided to issue the report with two key concepts in mind: trust and hope, aspiring to convey the uniqueness of Uzabase that we could not fully express before. 

Highlights of Sustainability Report 2023
・Co-CEO Interview
Our Co-CEOs Yusuke Inagaki and Taira Sakuma reflect on the reasons behind Uzabase's decision to accept the TOB offer last year and the choice of the TOB partner. We hope that the interview will convey their strong determination to create a more sustainable world.

・Re-Defining Our Business Portfolio
We have taken a fresh look at Uzabase's businesses and services, in particular, clarifying the positioning of each product in our suite for businesses, which, in their entirety, support the implementation of Agile Business Management from corporate to talent strategy. Based on the new classification, we have also refined our value creation process and visualized how Uzabase contributes to a sustainable society.

・Progress on Our 7 Material Issues 
Our executive officers in charge of the material issues give updates on their respective initiatives from 2022 up to present. Also, we feature our near Tokyo headquarters’ office where we moved in July 2022 and present our efforts for sustainable work.

・Our Governance Post Delisting
We present the structure and approaches of the new Board of Directors as well as audit-, risk-, and compliance-related initiatives. 

・External Directors Interview
Our external directors and Audit & Supervisory Committee members Shintaro Asako and Jumpei Ogura give their behind-the-scenes perspective at the decision-making process preceding the TOB and discuss the peculiarities of fund governance, the role of Carlyle members in Uzabase’s new board, and their thoughts on the roadmap for relisting. 

Sustainability Report 2023 
Sustainability | Uzabase, Inc. Corporate Site

Uzabase, Inc. (Corporate PR)

About Uzabase
The Purpose of Uzabase is “Awaken a world of play in business, with our insights.” Since its establishment in 2008, Uzabase has leveraged its business data infrastructure to plan, develop, operate, and deliver multiple services. These include Speeda, a business intelligence platform focused on accelerating business agility, and NewsPicks, one of the largest social business media outlets in Japan.
Company Overview
Company Name: Uzabase,Inc. Date of establishment: April 1, 2008 Representative: CEO Yusuke Inagaki Address: Mitsubishi Building, 2-5-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 100-0005, Japan