Uzabase, Inc. introduces an internal support system for programming skills acquisition (hereinafter the “System”) from December 2022 in partnership with DMM WEBCAMP (Infratop, Inc.), aiming to raise the level of engineering capabilities across the company.
The System offers Uzabase Group members (full-time and fixed-term contract employees) courses on web application development provided by DMM WEBCAMP at a special price.
It will also leverage the learning process to build a community of Uzabase members including the company’s engineers, who will join the courses to provide learning support, ultimately aiming to raise the level of engineering capabilities across the company.
Course Content
Uzabase will support its Group members (full-time and fixed-term contract employees) in their learning journey from the basics of programming to web application development. Members can take the following courses at a special price.
Six Courses in Total:
1. ABCs of programming
2. Web application development
3. Front-end development
4. Python
5. PHP/Laravel
6. Java
Learning Roadmap
The members’ learning roadmap is envisioned as follows.

Ever since its founding, Uzabase has placed particular importance on business and technology operating hand-in-hand, and has positioned this tandem as its competitive advantage. Our goal is to create a workplace where both engineers and non-engineers from a variety of backgrounds can leverage the power of engineering even further and enjoy taking on the challenges they desire, thus realizing our purpose: “Awaken a world of play in business, with our insights.”
Background of the System’s Introduction
Since Uzabase’s founding in 2008, we have always aimed to combine the power of people and technology in a bid to create must-have business intelligence services. One of our material issues is “Becoming a technology company.” By establishing a new, technology-driven business model, we want to change the way business professionals work, freeing them from labor-intensive tasks andallowing them to do more creative work instead. This is a vision that we would also like to embody ourselves.
With this vision in mind, Uzabase launched its Play Engineering project in April 2022, aiming to awaken a world of play in business with the power of engineering. To date, we have created opportunities for members in non-engineering positions to learn technology and established an internal system that factors engineering skills into evaluations and salaries.
The System takes our efforts a step further, offering support to members who are willing to take on the challenge of learning engineering. To that end, we have partnered with DMM WEBCAMP (Infratop, Inc.) and will use their expertise to raise the level of engineering capabilities across Uzabase.
Play Engineering website (Japanese only):
Comment from Yusuke Inagaki, Co-CEO/CTO of Uzabase, Inc.
Comment from Ayanobu Oshima, CEO of Infratop, Inc.
Uzabase, Inc. (Tech Branding)
Company Overview
Company Name: Uzabase, Inc.
Date of establishment: April 1, 2008
Representatives: Co-CEOs Yusuke Inagaki / Taira Sakuma
Securities code: 3966 (TSE Growth)