On November 1, 2021, NewsPicks, the business social media platform provided by NewsPicks, Inc., will release a new service called NewsPicks Topics, which enables individuals to share their expertise and insights.
With NewsPicks Topics, individuals can share contents and monetize on their expertise and insights. For the initial launch, 16 experts who support the concept have become content owners to publish periodical articles on respective themes. The contents will be provided to paid subscribers*.
Further development is taking place towards creating a platform for a wider range of owners to share contents, and for increasingly diverse information to come together.
*Current NewsPicks Premium members and NewsPicks Academia members. (On November 15, 2021, NewsPicks Academia will undergo a revamp, after which the service will transition to NewsPicks Learning.)
Concept of NewsPicks Topics
The concept of NewsPicks Topics is “Creation of magnetic fields by experts.” Anyone will be able share information, attract readers, and engage in mutual communication as an expert in their field of expertise or strength.
Readers will not only gain regular access to niche information that could not be reached through news on mass media, but will also be able to engage in discussions with the owner and other members.
In addition to the subscription function, the service will be further developed into a co-creation platform where diverse insights come together, including in niche areas, while ensuring increased protection of the owners.
What you can do on NewsPicks Topics

To become a member
Paid subscribers can join up to two Topics. By clicking on the “subscribe” button of your Topic of interest, you can become a member of the Topic.There is no restriction on the subscription period. You can also cancel one Topic subscription and switch to another Topic.
*Access to the initial series is limited to paid subscribers. Going forward, we are also planning to add an individual subscription function for each Topic.
What members can do
- Read the contents
- ”Like” the contents
- Post comments on the contents
- Reply to comments posted by other members
What owners can do
- Post contents
- Receive payments based on the number of members (followers)
- Assign moderators who create momentum and facilitate activity in the Topic

*In order to use the service, the NewsPicks app has to be of the latest version. For iOS, the latest version and OS Ver.14.0 or later, and for Android, the latest version and OS Ver.7.0 or later are required.
First series of NewsPicks Topics
Topic List
・Ian Myers - CEO, Oceans XYZ [Breakthrough topics in tech and business]
・Kazuki Ota - CEO, Treasure Data, Inc. [From CTO to CEO: Adventures in Silicon Valley]
・Teruhiro Okuyama - Neuroscientist [How latest findings in neuroscience will change our lives]
・Takashi Kawabata - Senior Vice President, Kroll Associates Singapore [Business geoeconomics of Asian emerging markets]
・Chie Saito - IP strategy consultant [Evolution theory of IT intellectual property]
・Kenji Tsuda - Independent Technology Journalist, [The path to resurgence of the Japanese semiconductor industry]
・Keishi Furusato - Project Associate Professor, Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance; Part-time auditor-secretary, Hida Credit Union [Ethnography park]
・Takafumi Murakami - Co-Founder, Signifiant Inc. [A financial perspective on startups and management]
・Akari Itoi - Intern reporter, NewsPicks editorial team [NewsPicks intern editorial team]
・Yousuke Okada Founder & CEO ABEJA, Inc. [AI/DX and society]
・Yuki Ono - Borderless Japan Corp. HACHIDORI DENRYOKU [Energy shift: our choice to survive the next generation]
・Takuya Kitagawa - CDO, managing executive officer, Rakuten group, Inc. [Data marketing: market insights based on demand]
・Satoshi Shinada - General Partner, Kepple Africa Ventures [Next Billion: industries emerging from the streets of Africa]
・Yosuke Hidaka - CEO, MaaS Tech Japan [Smart cities and MaaS]
・Kaori Miura - HEALTHCARE CATALYST COLLEGE [Healthcare Catalyst]
・Minoru Moriya - Entrepreneur [An entrepreneur’s notes for building the future]
Comment from Daisuke Sakamoto, CEO of NewsPicks, Inc.

I believe that the greatest value NewsPicks offers is its community. This is because the diverse opinions posted on NewsPicks have the power to move the readers’ emotions and impact their thoughts and actions.
Since starting this business, we have been exploring ways to help the community evolve and to build a business information platform of even better quality. NewsPicks Topics has been released as one such solution. I look forward to receiving opinions from the owners and members so we can create this new service together.
I am fully committed to the successful launch of NewsPicks Topics and for it to become a service that cultivates the future of NewsPicks.
NewsPicks, Inc. (NewsPicks Topics)
Uzabase,Inc. (PR department)